If you feel that you are being bullied in any way, please call us on 0116 2044170 and say you have a bullying or safeguarding issue and you will be put through to a member of our team in complete confidence.



Our policies and procedures ensure that we follow the 10 key principles of the Anti-Bullying Alliance.

  1. listens – all learners and parents and carers are listened to and influence strategies and approaches to prevent, report and respond to incidents of bullying.
  2. includes us all – all learners, including those with SEN/Disability, are included, valued and participate fully in all aspects of the learning cycle.
  3. respects – all staff are role models to others within the company in how they treat others.
  4. challenges – all forms of discriminatory language – including disablist language –  is challenged taken seriously
  5. celebrates difference – difference is actively and visibly celebrated and welcome across the whole company.
  6. understands – all staff, learners and parents and carers understand what bullying is and what it isn’t.
  7. believes – all learners, including those who are disabled and those with SEN, and their parents and carers are acknowledged, believed and taken seriously when reporting incidents of bullying.
  8. reports bullying – all learners and their parents and carers understand how to report incidents of bullying.
  9. takes action – we respond quickly to all incidents of bullying. Learners, including disabled learners and those with SEN, participate fully in decisions made about them and help to formulate appropriate action to respond to incidents of bullying.
  10. has clear policies – our company’s anti-bullying policy reflects these principles and is embedded within other company policies. They are widely and actively promoted to staff, and learners.

Staying Safe Online

  • Protect your online reputation: use the tools provided by online services to manage your digital footprints and ‘think before you post.’ Content posted online can last forever and could be shared publicly by anyone.
  • Know where to find help: understand how to report to service providers and use blocking and deleting tools. If something happens that upsets you online, it’s never too late to tell someone.
  • Don’t give in to pressure: if you lose your inhibitions you’ve lost control; once you’ve pressed send you can’t take it back.
  • Respect the law: use reliable services and know how to legally access the music, film and TV you want.
  • Acknowledge your sources: use trustworthy content and remember to give credit when using other people’s work/ideas.

For further information, useful guides and advice about online activity, please look at https://parentzone.org.uk/advice/parent-guides